When you hear property division in divorce proceedings, you tend to think of furniture, large electronics, houses, and other miscellaneous items. However, one of the most complicated and popular topics in property division is pets. Under Texas law, pets are considered to be property and they often become part of a heated and emotional dispute for divorcing couples. Most courts will give pets to the spouse who is awarded primary child custody, so the children are not separated from their beloved pet. But pet custody issues have become even more heated under separations where children are not involved.
There are a host of issues that divorcing couples must confront when dealing with property division matters. Pet custody may be one of the more difficult ones because of the emotions and attachments involved. Those Texas residents negotiating who gets the family pet would likely benefit from keeping the lines of communication open and trying to fashion an agreement that is fair and truly in the best interests of everyone. Not long ago, spouses were reluctant to show emotional ties to their pets. However, things have changed drastically over the last couple of years. Now more than ever, pets are given greater consideration, especially with the rise of childless couples who may view their pets as a substitute for children. More and more, these cases seem to be taking on the characteristic of child custody proceedings. By understanding the laws pertaining to pet custody, divorcing spouses have began to make agreements similar to child custody schedules.